Take some time now to make sure your property is ready for trick-or-treaters so you can rest easy and enjoy the smiles and costumes.
Trick-or-Treating is a fun night of costumes and candies. What you may not have considered is that as a homeowner, you do have a level of responsibility for the guests on your property (yes, trick-or-treaters are considered guests, keep reading). So, to save you some worrying we thought we’d put together some information about liability and what to consider before you turn on that porch light and start passing out those treats.
Are Trick-Or-Treaters Guests?
In short, yes. If your porch light is turned on during Trick-Or-Treating, that is considered an invitation. Which makes Trick-Or-Treaters your guests, and means you have a level of responsibility for their safety on your property. Should your porch light be turned off, that is translated as not offering an invitation, making any Trick-Or-Treater that comes onto your property a trespasser.
Premises Liability & Trick-Or-Treating
As a property owner, you have a responsibility to create a reasonable and safe environment for guests. And if a guest is injured on your property due to your inability to provide that safe environment, you may be deemed responsible. However, it’s not that clear cut, there are a couple of things that need to be a part of the incident to constitute liability; actual damages, and negligent conduct being the reason for an injury.
It could be as simple as your Halloween decorations malfunctioning and hurting a guest, or even a simple trip and fall due to uneven pavement (that you should have fixed when you used our fall checklist to prepare your house for fall and winter). Ultimately, you are responsible for providing appropriate warnings for any dangers, or hazardous areas, of your property and/or taking actions to amend any and all risks possible (like that uneven pavement we just talked about).
What About Dogs?
We love our furry friends but Halloween can be a tough night for Fido. From spooky decorations to masks and costumes, there is a lot happening that is not normal and for many dogs, their threshold for the unknown can be reached quickly, causing even a mild-mannered dog to act abnormally. As the property owner and dog owner, you are responsible for the actions of your pet. Because of that, we recommend making your pets comfortably safe in a room away from where you will be handing out treats, with some soft music, or sounds to drown out any unexpected noises, and don’t forget to provide snacks and water as well. Ultimately, for the team at ZYYAH, it is not worth the risk of what could go wrong if your pet is startled.
Can Tricks Cause Problems?
Halloween means TRICKS and treats. If you love to set the mood on your property with scary decorations and lighting there are a few things to keep in mind. Firstly be aware of the area around where you plan on scaring the guests on your property. For example, don’t set up a ‘jump scare’ (find an example of a classic candy bowl jump scare at the 13:45 mark) at the top of steps, should your guest fall backward down the steps when. Secondly, be aware of the materials and/or props used to scare your guests. Avoid anything that is sharp, hard, or could generally cause harm. Finally, it’s spooky season, so don’t be afraid to have some fun, just make sure that you are aware of how your trick will be experienced by someone that is not familiar with your property.
Some Things To Think Of Before Trick-Or-Treating
Are there any cracks or uneven pavement or steps that I need to address?
Is my property lit well enough to navigate easily?
Are my walkways clear of debris?
Is there anything on my lawn, the garden or near my walkways that could harm my guests?
If I scaring Trick-Or-Treaters is the area safe and is my ‘scare plan’ reasonable?
Remember that Trick-Or-Treaters are not familiar with your property, it is worth walking through your property with that in mind to identify and potential issues.
Taking a few extra minutes in your preparation to ensure that your guests are safe and that you can enjoy handing out treats without any concerns. Leaving you to raid your candy bowl, or your child’s loot, with some peace of mind.
Building your own emergency kit allows you to customize your kit and provides some peace of mind and support when you need it most.
Building your own emergency kit can give you some peace of mind and support when you need it most.
From wildfires and hurricanes to an event that forces you to shelter in place or unexpected loss of access to water and/or food, the events that could lead you to need your own emergency kit are often dependent on where your home is located. While you hope you never need it, the term ‘better to have and not need, than need and not have’ comes to mind.
Why A DIY Emergency Kit?
While there are great emergency kits that you can purchase online, your needs, in the case of an emergency, vary from where you live to who you need to consider in your planning. Simply put, no two people/families will have the same needs. Taking the DIY approach to building an emergency kit will allow you to customize your emergency kit to your specific needs.
What Do I Even Pack My Emergency Kit In?
The best option for packing your emergency kit will be a bag or bin, that is waterproof and can be transported. Some easily accessible options are dry bags and even 5-gallon buckets.
Am I Now A Doomsday Prepper?
For now, no, this guide is not for those looking to assemble a kit that will allow you to survive and thrive after a catastrophic event. Our guide is for those looking to have an emergency kit that will get them through a few days, should they need to wait for services to be restored, or if there is a need to travel to an unaffected area without warning. So, if you are looking for ways to prepare for a ‘basic’ emergency, read on for our basic list and other things to include in your DIY Emergency Kit.
Basic Emergency Kit
Water and/or a water filter: Red Cross recommends one gallon per day, per person
Non-perishable, easy to prepare, food
Extra Batteries
Well-stocked first aid or trauma kit such as the ones offered by MyMedic
A week’s supply of any medications and medical items (hearing aids with extra batteries, glasses, contact lenses, syringes, extra glasses, etc)
Copies of important documents (medication list and pertinent medical information, proof of address, deed/lease to home, passports, birth certificates, insurance policies)
Pet supplies (collar, leash, ID, food, carrier, bowl)
Two-way radios
Extra set of car keys and house keys
Manual can opener
N95 or surgical masks
Rain gear
Work gloves
Tools/supplies for securing your home
Extra clothing, hat, and sturdy shoes
Plastic sheeting
Duct tape
Household liquid bleach
Alcohol (No, not for drinking but rather for disinfectant and first aid use)
Entertainment items
Blankets or sleeping bags
Once your kit is assembled, store it someplace safe but easily accessible within your home and check it annually to ensure food and water have not expired (yes, water can expire). Now, you can rest easy, knowing that your home is a little more prepared should something unexpected happen.
Take care of your home and prepare it for winter with our Fall Checklist.
Now’s the time to prepare your home for the colder months to come. We know it can be daunting to track every task you need to tackle, we’ve put together our fall checklist to help you get organized, so you can get it done. So, before you pull out the holiday lights and warm up some hot chocolate, spend some time ensuring that your home is protected for the changing season. It may even help prevent catastrophes, and possibly even save you some $$$.
Indoor Fall Checklist:
1. Prepare Your Furnace For Winter
Consider getting your furnace professionally serviced and ready for the colder months now. If you aren’t planning on having a professional come inspect your furnace, make a point of visually inspecting your furnace and replacing the furnace filter.
Here are some signs that it’s time to call a professional:
Your Home Just Isn’t Heating Up: If your furnace doesn’t seem to work as well as it has in the past that could be a sign of various problems.
Your Furnace Is Noisy: Unusual sounds such as screeches or whines could be a signal that belts connected to the blower motor are worn or damaged.
Erratic Behavior: This could be caused by a faulty thermostat or a misadjusted furnace but only a professional can identify the root of the problem.
2. Clean The Fireplace & Chimney
Before your first fire make sure your fireplace is safe and ready to be used. Take some time to clean out and inspect your fireplace and wood fire stove.
Inspect the flue for creosote, a flammable by-product of burning wood. Accumulation of too much creosote in a flue or chimney can result in a devastating fire. Get your chimney inspected annually (or more, depending on use) for creosote buildup to ensure your health and safety.
Finally, check your chimney for damage or flue blockages. Ensure the flue cap (the screen or baffle covering the top of the chimney) is in place. These are popular places for animals, such as birds, to take up residence and better to find out now. If you have a brick chimney, break out your binoculars and inspect your chimney for loose or broken joints.
And remember, when in doubt, call a professional to come to inspect and sweep your chimney.
3. Keep The Warm Air Inside & The Cold Air Outside
You can inspect your windows for drafts by lighting a stick of incense or candle and holding it up to your closed windows, if the smoke or flame ‘moves’, you have a draft. If you do discover a draft, seal any gaps with caulk and if replacing the caulk does not solve the problem, it may be time to consider replacing your windows.
If your windows are not as insulated as you would like and replacing them is not an option, now would be a great time to purchase and install plastic film window insulating kits.
Weatherstripping is an easy and cost-effective way to cut reducing drafts. You can check the weatherstripping by opening a door, placing a piece of paper in the entryway, and closing the door. The paper should not slide back and forth easily. If it does, the weatherstripping isn’t doing its job.
4. Avoid Gas Problems
If you utilize a gas heater, fall is the right time to have a professional check your gas heaters. Not keeping them in shape will not only cost you extra cash to run, but it could also cost you your health by emitting toxic gases into your home. To help keep it running in between professional services, you will want to check the air-shutter openings and exhaust vents for dust and dirt. Give the air passages to the burner a vacuum and clean the burner. Finally, follow any other advice the manufacturer offers.
5. Review Your Home’s Safety
It’s time to perform a complete review of your home’s safety features and go over any emergency plans such as your fire evacuation plan.
Some things to check:
Smoke and carbon monoxide detectors
Fire extinguishers
Clean up any fire risks such as dry leaves
Review the storage of fire risks, hazardous materials, and any poisons
6. Clean and Reverse Ceiling Fan Blades
To be honest, when’s the last time you even looked at the blades of your ceiling fans? Ceiling fans get pretty dirty. To clean them, use an extension pole and duster to clean them off. Then, push the switch on the side of the motor housing to reverse their direction, causing the blades to rotate clockwise, pulling warm air down from the ceiling.
7. Give Your AC Unit A Rinse
Just like your ceiling fans, a summer of heavy-duty usage has your AC unit looking a bit rough around the edges. Get rid of the dirt, pollen, dust, and who knows what else by spending a few minutes rinsing it off and preparing it for next summer.
Outdoor Fall Checklist:
1. Fix Any Flaws In Your Driveway and Foot Paths
If you haven’t already, this is your last chance to repair any driveway and sidewalk cracks before the temperatures drop. We recommend taking some time to check your driveway and/or footpaths for any cracks, disintegration, or washed-out materials. You can likely handle most cracks or smaller jobs with some DIY motivation. And if you’re thinking those small cracks aren’t worth the trouble, we’d like to remind you that when water freezes in a small crack it will expand, expanding the crack as well.
2. Inspect your roof.
What was the one fear you had when you bought your first home? We’re guessing roof problems come to mind. Then add winter into the mix and it’s truly a nightmare. With that in mind, now’s the time to inspect your roof in as much detail as possible. Look for damage in metal flashing, scan for missing or damaged shingles, thinning coatings, and any other damage or wear and tear that could make winter worse.
3. Clean, Inspect & Possibly Replace Your Gutters
When’s the last time you even thought about your gutters? It’s ok, most people don’t think about their gutters until they have. Clogged gutters can lead to damaged exterior surfaces, water in your basement, foundation issues, and are more prone to rust and corrosion. Take some time to give your gutters a look over, clean them, install gutter guards, and if necessary, have them replaced.
4. Touch up exterior paint
Touching up your exterior paint can prolong the life of your siding and trim by protecting you from the elements. The key is to get this to-do done before the temperature drops below 50 degrees when most paints are no longer suitable.
5. Clean Outdoor Furniture & Tools
If you have a fire pit, you may not be putting your outdoor furniture away for the season just yet but you’ll want to get everything cleaned before you turn off your outdoor plumbing. Saving you some time when you do store them away for winter.
6. Wash Your Windows and Inspect Screens
Over the spring and summer, your screens have been through a lot and have built up some grossness. You could save this for spring, or you could save the trouble and tackle your screens now. All you need is a bucket, a squeegee, a streak-free cleaner for the windows, and some elbow grease. This is also a good opportunity to check your screens for damage and repair them if you live in an area that gets hail.
7. Prep Your Lawn For Winter & Plant Your Spring Flower Bulbs
If you want to have a green lawn and lush garden come early spring, you’ll have to put some work in now.
Raking leaves and aerating soil will prevent your lawn and garden beds from suffocating under snow. While applying mulch and fertilizer now will nourish your plants’ roots and help protect your plants from winter damage.
8. Start Composting, Your Garden Will Thank You
If you don’t already have compost bins, now’s the time to make or get some.
9. Clean Your Storage Areas, Shed, & Garage
Clean your storage areas, such as your garage, basement, attics, and shed so they are organized and ready for the season. While you don’t have to leave them sparkling, a general clean and look over will help make sure you won’t have any ‘house guests’ for the winter, have room for your outdoor furniture storage, and that you can get to any seasonal decorations (because you will not want to be digging in your shed, outside, in December).
10. Test Your Winter Equipment
Save some trouble come the first snowfall and make sure any winter equipment, like your snowblower, is working properly.
11. Store Your Outdoor Furniture
Store your outdoor furniture, inflatable pools, trampolines, and other larger outdoor items before it’s too late in the season, or invest in some decent waterproof covers if you are not able to store them.
12. Stock Up & Store Your Firewood
It’s time to stock up and store your firewood for the winter. Demand will surely rise as the temperature drops, so stocking up now to save some time and stress.
13. Turn Off Your Outdoor Plumbing
Take a few moments to drain and disconnect all garden hoses from outside spigots and sprinkler systems to prevent freezing. Not doing this can result in pipes bursting. Which is a preventable nightmare.
Now that you’re armed with our fall checklist, it’s time to get to work and while you’re taking care of your home, it’s worth taking a moment to review your coverage and make any changes you may need to make.
If you knew what was wrong with your stove, you wouldn’t have to call a repairman to fix it. This gap in knowledge can intimidate some people. How do you know what your technician is referring to? What if you describe what’s broken incorrectly?
If you’ve come upon this article by trying to quickly learn repairman’s lingo or figure out what’s wrong, we can offer you some assurance.
Professionals You Can Trust
When you work with Hello Covered, our network of fully-vetted professionals is at your disposal. We recruit and select the very best technicians because it’s important to us to deliver reliable, fast service to our customers. In fact, we ensure we are knowledgeable about speaking to and acquiring the best in technicians and repairmen so that you can begin getting your home needs met.
Use Your Own Repairmen
One of the benefits of choosing Hello Covered for your home warranty company is that we allow our clients to choose their own technician. They must be licensed and approved by our team, but the best way, we’ve found, to work with customers is to trust them to know what’s best for themselves.
But if you’re still feeling a little uneasy, when booking and solidifying your serviceperson we have provided some terms below to help you feel confident!
Some industry lingo for you…
BTU (British thermal unit) Cold or hot, you can measure energy as temperature using this handy acronym. It applies to fridges, HVACs, and anything else that changes temperature.
Fully Integrated Also known as the hidden door style. This finish on an appliance (typically a dishwasher or refrigerator) camouflages the appliance by covering the doors in the same finish as the rest of the kitchen cabinetry.
Holiday Mode What you go into when you get on the plane for vacation… but for your refrigerator. Some models allow you to enter it into a lower-power mode to conserve energy while you’re away.
Mechanical Failure The term for when something goes wrong with an item and it’s no longer able to perform its primary function — fridges that don’t cool, heaters that don’t heat.
Necessary/Required Upgrade Things change. When things change that affect your appliances, this can trigger a necessary or required upgrade. Some examples include an inability to obtain parts, a product recall, or government-mandated upgrades.
Proper Operating Condition The item in question is working as intended, placed in the place it was intended to be, connected to the systems it was intended to connect to. A microwave on the edge of a hot tub is not proper for either device, for example.
Simple Mechanical Test These are the intuitive tests you probably already take when you suspect something might be broken. Turn the device on and off. Run through its primary functions. A determination, simply, of whether or not something works.
Sweating a Joint No, this is not something you do in the gym. This is a term for soldering metal joints together.
Torpedo Level Not the angle that torpedoes are shot at. Rather, it’s the explosive name for the diminutive, torpedo-shaped, bubble-equipped level.
Universal Design These are the design rules that help make spaces accessible to everybody. It’s the reason your doors are all thirty-six inches wide.
Visual inspection More superficial than a mechanical test, this is just an assessment of how something appears and does not include a physical test of its functions.
Hopefully now you feel like you can confidently call us, or your repairman, and get what needs doing done. This is just one of the many ways Hello Covered can keep your washing machine washing, your home office humming, and your kitchen simmering with our “no contract” coverage and rapid-response services team.
You’ve finally realized the American dream. But nobody ever told you what a home warranty was for. We got you covered. A home warranty is actually a super simple way to protect your home. If you’re a new homeowner, you’re probably used to having a landlord from renting. A number you call when the dishwasher stops working or the pipes back up. That’s basically what a home warranty is. A number to call when things break down. There’s a few things to consider, though, before you buy yours.
For New Homes
If you’re building a home, or buying a brand new one, there’s a good chance that a home warranty is, or could be, included as part of the transaction. This home warranty is sometimes referred to as a builder’s warranty. It’s basically a guarantee from the builder that their work will last a reasonable length of time. However, it doesn’t always cover everything. For instance, new electronics would not be covered under a building warranty, you would need an additional home policy for those sorts of things.
For Lived-In Properties
Previously lived in properties are where home warranties make the most sense. The first step to choosing the right one for your lifestyle and property is to assess what it is you’re trying to protect! Is there an HVAC system? Pools or saunas? What in the kitchen do you need to protect from breakdowns? With a thorough inventory of your new home, you’ll be able to make an informed decision on the size and scope of your home warranty.
If you’ve done an inspection of your home and you’ve considered a few warranties, but you still have questions, you can always reach out to the Hello Covered staff. Our team of qualified professionals can walk you through your options in simple, easy-to-understand terms to help you find the policy that fits you and your home.
Whether you’re a first-time buyer looking at a fixer-upper, or a multiple home-owner considering a brand new property, there are benefits to having a home warranty. Of course, if your home is older and there are more things to repair, then generally speaking, you’ll get more out of a home warranty. But there are many different types and categories of warranties to cater to homeowners across the spectrum. So, here are some differences between and advantages of warranties for new vs. old homes.
Warranties for New Homes
When you’re working with a new home, nobody has been living in it long enough to wear anything out. Therefore, we’re primarily concerned about defects rather than breakdowns. There are several ways this can come to life, but the most common way is called a builder’s warranty.
The general idea is that a builder’s warranty will cover the big stuff. That’s major structural elements. Windows, doors, drywall, etc. Their scope and duration vary somewhat. With some warranties covering smaller elements for just six months. Most roof warranties approach 10 years.
Warranties for Older Homes
Once your home ages from newer home to an older home, there are a lot more factors to consider when you’re looking for a home warranty. Three of the biggest are: its age, its sophistication, and the climate/location that it’s in.
Is your home located in a storm-prone area with multiple seasons? Does it stand through both high heat and freezing temperatures? Maybe it includes upscale features which offer convenience but cause risk factors for malfunction. Many of the homes we find most charming and full of character are older properties that can fall victim to simply wearing down over time.
Which Warranty is Right for Me and My Home?
This decision is pretty easy for some of you and can get a little more complicated for the rest. If you’re a new homeowner, you should talk to your builder about the builder’s warranty they offer. Most do, but it’s important for you to hash out the details of what is actually covered (and for how long). If your home is less-than-new, then you’ve got some things to consider.
This is where Hello Covered can really help you. Whichever way you go — whatever protection you need — Hello Covered has a home protection plan that can fit your needs perfectly. We craft custom plans that cover it all when basic home coverages and warranties miss the mark or leave things out of the deal. Contact us and one of our agents will walk you through step-by-step to find the warranty that fits your life and protects what you care about most.
One of the hardest parts of owning and protecting your home is answering your own question of: “Um, am I doing this right?” We can’t answer every question for homeowners here, but we’re going to answer a big one: when should you re-evaluate your home warranty coverage? The short answer: it’s not just a one-and-done thing! As your life (and possessions) shift and change over time, so should your home warranty. Here are a few instances where such a re-evaluation might be necessary.
Major Life Events
When big changes happen, it’s always a good idea to take a step back and assess the new landscape. If you move, if you get married, or anything that changes the fundamental pieces of how you live happen — it should trigger a re-evaluation of your coverage. You don’t want to be over- (or under-) covered if the unexpected strikes.
Decade Milestones
If nothing else pops up, just to keep your ducks in a row, we recommend re-assessing your needs once every ten years of homeownership; starting with when you make your first purchase. You can attach this decade-long-to-do to other tasks to make sure you check all your boxes off. On years that end in a zero, you can reliably refinish the exterior of your house, have your roof inspected, and consider replacing or repairing appliances or rooms that are high wear. Think the bathroom, the water heater, or the HVAC system.
Major Purchases or Improvements
Got a new TV? Maybe a whole new TV room? Big upgrades demand a new view of your valuables. When you upgrade your home (or the things in it), it can change what you need to cover with a home warranty. This is especially true if you are undergoing major renovations. Adding a bathroom? You can use a home inventory system to quickly take stock of your new space and find out what needs to be protected within it. It only takes a few minutes.
If there’s ever a question, you can always try one last thing. It’s super easy, takes only a few minutes, and we guarantee you’ll have an accurate view of what you need, and what to do about it. Contact our team at Hello Covered! You can call, chat, or email us, and our talented, attentive team can walk you through getting the exact coverage you need.
Every homeowner knows that home repairs can result in hidden expenses. You have to expect the unexpected. But, when the really unexpected hits, a really expensive home repair can completely tank a home budget. We’re here to help you avoid these financial icebergs with this list of the costliest home repairs (and how to avoid them).
Roofs are expensive to install and expensive to repair, but they are also one of the most important facets of a home. A damaged shingle here or there is pretty easy and affordable to fix and some can even be DIY. But for more extensive repairs — especially those that affect the structure of your home — costs can be as high as $10,000.
Prevent It: Keep an eye out for leaks or loose shingles. Get a professional inspector to take a look at your roof periodically.
Sliding a couple feet down from the roof, we have another crucial piece of your homestead called siding. This isn’t the structural element of the wall, but the protective or decorative covering over it. This tough exterior can be made of a variety of materials from wood to metal, and therefore has a variety of maintenance possibilities. Major repairs of your siding can cost up to $17,000.
Prevent It: In addition to regular visual inspections you can make yourself, periodically hire a professional to inspect your siding for wear and tear to prevent major damages.
Now, we are down to the literal cornerstones of your home. The foundation is the, well, foundation on which the entire rest of your home rests. And, therefore, these are repairs and maintenance that you do not want to take lightly. Small fixes can be handled quickly and affordably, but if things get out of control, the price tag skyrockets. When the foundation is rocky, other aspects of your home can be greatly affected. These repairs can reach up to $12,000.
Prevent It: Keep an eye for sloping floors, doors that don’t fit their frame, cracks in the foundation, or pooling water. It’s also a good idea to schedule regular inspections on all levels of your home.
Water Heater
You wake up, you’re late, you turn on the shower and jump in. That’s when you realize, your water heater is broken. there’s nothing worse than that cold water waking you up to the fact that you may be in for a costly home repair. Water heaters can be either electric or gas and depending on the model can cost upwards of $2,000 to replace. It’s super important to stay ahead of this and catch problems that are repairable before replacement is necessary.
Prevent It: Regularly check your water heater (and the area around it) for anything suspicious such as loose parts or leaks.
Chomp! Chomp! Chomp! Little termites can be a big problem for homeowners, especially if the problem goes unnoticed for a long time. Small in stature, these pests can create a huge budget problem if you don’t catch them before they cause structural damage. The range of costs for these little buggers varies wildly from a few hundred dollars… up to several thousand.
Prevent It: Keep any wood and moisture away from your foundation. Think furniture and stacks of firewood. You can also have your home preventatively treated with termiticide.
Your heating, air conditioning, and ventilation system is the airway of your home. HVAC as professionals refer to it, can be a complicated and costly system to repair. And there’s nothing worse than waking up on a cold winter morning or a sweltering summer day to find that your climate control is well, out of control. Repairs to these systems can sometimes be affordable. A few hundred bucks. But if a lot goes wrong, costs can rise to the height of $10,000.
Prevent It: Just before heating season, hire an HVAC specialist to inspect your system for any required maintenance.
One of the best ways to stay ahead of repairs before they become larger, more expensive issues is by getting the right home warranty. Hello Covered can help you build your own custom plan so that you tackle small issues when they arise and take advantage of inspections to avoid larger issues.
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